Poo-Pourri a/k/a The Relationship Saver

Poo-Pourri a/k/a The Relationship Saver

Poop. It’s a natural thing.

It’s something we ALL do, but not something we talk openly about. Yes, I said it…poop. Whatever you call it; going #2, dropping a load, taking a dump, or taking the kids to the pool, it’s something we all have experience with. Poo-Pourri to the rescue! It might just save your relationship.

Sometimes doodie can be relatively odor free and other times you are left wondering if a sewage plant exploded. It’s not a pleasant subject that’s for sure. And if you have to share the commode with your significant other you really need to try Poo-Pourri. It might just save your relationship. Okay, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. Some say it’s the little things that are important in a relationship. In this case, I’m willing to shell out some $ to keep peace in the potty.

I’m sure, like me, you’ve tried several methods of ridding your bathroom of the offending odor. I’ve tried matches, candles, sprays and melted wax. All they seem to do is add to the offending scent, not get rid of it. Some of the scents are worse combined than if the original odor was simply left alone.



There is one thing that I’ve found that works…Poo-Pourri.

My family has used Poo-Pourri for a couple years now and I can’t imagine the meltdown that would occur if we ran out.

In truth, there are times that there is some remaining odor even if you spray. However, I can honestly say that it is sooo much worse without any spray at all. With spray you enter and think, yep someone made a doodie. Without is more like the bathroom scene from Ace Ventura.

My husband likes Poo-Pourri so much that he asked me to get him a bottle to take to work. He works with several women in a relatively small office. He was worried that his bathroom breaks would be offensive to the ladies he works with. With Poo-Pourri he no longer worries about enveloping the office in stench.

I even got my parents hooked on it. They went on a cruise not too long ago and a bottle of Poo-Pourri was on the ‘don’t forget this’ list. If you’ve ever been on a cruise you can appreciate how much this comes in handy. Most cabins aren’t very big, so you can imagine how ANY smell permeates the air.

Please don’t let the price tag prevent you from purchasing. It is every effective and a little goes a long way. They even sale refills which lower the cost per spray. I think it’s well worth the price, especially if you share a bathroom with someone. Especially if that someone has a habit of being a bit offensive in the restroom.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am not in any way affiliated with the Poo-Pourri company nor are they compensating me for writing this article. I am simply a consumer who is very happy with their product and wanted to share my experience.

5 Awesome Ways to Shop & Save Money

Let me ask you a question, do you like to shop and save money? I know I do! I enjoy the thrill of saving. Even if it’s only $.50 I feel successful. I’m always on the lookout for new ways to shop and save money. Below are 5 ways that I hope will help you in your quest to save money when shopping.

Now, to be honest, I don’t like spending a lot of time scouring through sales flyers. Am I leaving money on the table? Possibly. Am I going to let it keep me up at night? Nope! How I spend my time is more valuable to me.


1. Use your store card or app.

Most stores have an app and some have a rewards card. One of my faves is the Target REDcard. Just by using my REDcard I save 5%* each time I shop. The REDcard also gets you free shipping at Target.com without having a minimum spending amount. *Exclusions apply so be sure to read the fine print!

There are two card options, Credit or Debit. I have the debit card which pulls the money directly from my bank account. I pair this with the Target app for even more savings. All you have to do is scan as you shop to see if there are any discounts on the items you are already buying. With the app you can also find discounts by category or peruse the Cartwheel offers and Weekly Ad & catalogs.

So many stores have apps now that you don’t really have to worry about forgetting your coupons. Another money saving app I use is from Kohl’s. The Wallet in the app keeps all of my Kohl’s Cash, YES2YOU Rewards, Gift Cards, and Offers in one convenient place.

Like most people today, my smart phone is rarely far away. Why not put it to use as another money saving tool. Who isn’t into saving money?!

Target & Kohl’s are included because they are local to me and what I am familiar with. Please leave a comment with the stores you love and what they offer that helps you save money.

2. Ibotta

Are you looking for 1 great app that you can use to easily shop and save money? Well folks this is it! Ibotta has a variety of offers from grocery, hardware, and clothing stores to shopping online as well. You search through the stores you shop at and click on offers for items you plan buy or think you might buy.

Some offers are for specific products like Eggo Waffles. While others are for “any brand” items like fruit snacks. They also frequently have offers for $0.25 cash back on any item. 

I get it. You’re thinking, “It isn’t worth my time for a measly $0.25.” Normally I would tell you that you’re right. However those quarters tend to add up quickly. On top of that they have bonuses. It might be something like a $2.00 bonus for redeeming 5 unique offers. 

To give you an idea of savings, I earned $37.25 in cash back in April. I browse through the offers when I’m on my lunch break at work or waiting on dinner to finish cooking. Really, you can spend a few minutes a day and still get great earnings. 

If you are needing something specific you can use the search feature and type in the item. My son had an unfortunate incident with a cat (not ours) and got scratched (he is fine). I wanted to buy some Mederma to help with scarring. I checked on ibotta and there was a $5.00 offer. When I got to the store the package had a $3.00 coupon. I was ecstatic to save $8.00!

Please keep in mind that your savings will be different than mine. You may save less or your might save even MORE. It really depends on the products you buy and where you shop. Offers change frequently and seem to be different for each person.

Referring people can also score you some extra cash.  The offers change frequently, so you’ll want to check out the ibotta app for the latest offer.

5 Ways to Shop & Save Money

3. Price Match

My family has saved quite a bit of money over the years by price matching and it’s super easy to do. So, let’s say you’re shopping for a new computer. You think you know which one you want, but you want to see it in person and touch it.

You’re at the store. You see it, you touch it and now… you want it. Are you sure you’re getting the best deal? Stop wondering! Just pull out your handy dandy smart phone and do a search for the make/model of the item you are drooling over.

You just found the item cheaper at another store (online or in-store). Yes! Now, show your phone to a store associate and ask if they price match that retailer. If they do SCORE for you! If not, ask if there is anything they can do to convince you to buy from them instead of the other retailer.

Many stores have a price match policy listed on their website. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with their policy before you approach an associate. Being an informed shopper is another easy way to help you save money.

4. Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates)

Are you someone who does a lot of shopping online? If so, you should check out Rakuten. There are a ton of different stores to save at. Just shop through the link and you’ll be saving anywhere from 1% – 12% without doing any work!

You can save when shopping at Groupon, Overstock, Macy’s, Old Navy, ebay, Staples, Walmart and Amazon, just to name a few. There are savings when shopping in-store too!

And, as if this isn’t enough great savings, you can earn $25 for every friend that you refer. How awesome is that!

For Google Chrome users there’s an extension to help you save when you’re shopping. Simply enable it and you’ll get a pop-up anytime you go to a website that has an offer through Rakuten. Just activate the offer and keep on shopping. It’s that easy!

If you’re anything like me easy is good because I’m often thinking of so many other things like laundry, work, school events, and SLEEP that I forget my savings tools. Especially when I’m late night shopping on Amazon after the youngster is asleep.

**Make sure you compare your savings apps! Sometimes one will have a better discount and you obviously want to go with the one that will save you the most money while you’re shopping.

5 Ways to Shop & Save Money

5. Read Product Reviews before Buying

I can hear you now. You’re probably saying, “Wait, that is not a way for me to save money!” Are you sure? Think about it this way. You just purchased a new TV, got a great deal, but when you get it home the image quality is terrible or you realize that it doesn’t have enough ports to connect your cable box, Blu-Ray player, PS4, and Xbox.

You could return it. Does the store you bought it from have a restocking fee? Do you have to package it back up, request a return shipping label, and take it to UPS to return? These things take time and you’ve heard the saying, “Time is money.”

I highly recommend that you read through the reviews before making purchases. Whether it’s inexpensive or not this method can save you money.

Here’s another scenario. You buy a new hair dryer for $25.00. It works fine…for 3.25 months and then it dies. It’s just outside of the return window and you can’t return. I guess it’s time to buy another hair dryer. Grr!

This time you search online. You see the same exact hair dryer as the one that just died. It has 2.5 stars. While reading the reviews you learn this is relatively common for this model. (Insert eye roll here.)

You find a similar model with stellar reviews. Maybe it’s a few dollars more, maybe a few less. Either way you could’ve saved yourself time and, possibly, money by reading the reviews before you made the purchase.

Please leave a message in the comments section on your experience using these tools as well as any other ways you shop and save money.

If you enjoyed this post, I would truly love it if you’d spread the word by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on your Facebook page. Thank you!

Welcome to Leeway Living!

Hello there! My name is Roxann Lee and I am a working mom who is building an online business. I plan to cover several topics including sewing, DIY, recipes and saving money. I realize this is an odd combination, but these are the things that I have an interest in and would love to share with you. As I grow Leeway Living some of this might change. Right now I plan on enjoying the ride to see where this crazy blogging adventure is going to take me.

I had been thinking of joining the world of online business for quite some time. Up until recently, I’ve allowed life and work to get in the way of building a website and creating an online business. Hurricane Michael helped to point out to me what is most valuable in life. I live not far from where Hurricane Michael made landfall in Port St. Joe, FL on October 10, 2018. I live on the western side of where the eyewall passed over Bay County, FL.

My family chose to stay in our home and ride out the storm. It was honestly one of the most frightening things I have ever experienced. That was a day I will never forget. Once the winds really started to pick up we huddled in our interior hallway. All we could hear was the roaring of the wind. It was so loud we didn’t hear when the trees snapped. There was the eerie sound of air flowing through our drain pipes. When we heard a bang we went to see what happened. Something had hit the house and busted a window.

Entering the room was not safe, so my husband held on to the french doors (interior grade doors) while myself and my step-father grabbed wood, screws and a drill to secure the door. I watched those doors flex inward and outward fearing that the glass wouldn’t hold and my husband would get cut. Thankfully, that never happened. We secured the doors and they held through the remainder of the storm. We had a small water leak on the ceiling in one of the bedrooms that we easily contained with a tarp and buckets.

It wasn’t until after the storm that we realized how bad the storm really was. So many homes were left uninhabitable, some reduced to rubble. We were incredibly lucky to lose only 1 window and have minimal damage to 2 rooms. Our neighbors and so many more were not as fortunate. Many have had to live in temporary housing or travel trailers while waiting for their homes to be repaired or rebuilt.

It was a real eye-opener for sure. I realized that I was putting my job ahead of my family. Since then I have been thinking of ways to change that. I have allowed fear to hold me back. I am working on overcoming that fear. I’ve decided to stop reading and actually start doing.

I’ve decided that having my own online business can give me the freedom and flexibility to be more present for my family. I want to be able to chaperone my son’s field trips, go to his awards ceremonies (typically at 10:00) without racing in and out of work, and just be there for my son and my husband.

I don’t mind working, but I would like to be able to set my own hours rather than have a fixed 8-5 schedule. Please understand that I am so grateful to have my weekends off to spend with my family. However, is it so wrong to want more than that? I look forward to you joining me on this journey. I imagine it’s going to be a wild ride!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoy Leeway Living and can use some of these ideas in your own life. See you in the next post!